Dissecting Security Architectures

Tag: IntCen

  • Quitting EU adviser: Gilles de Kerchove invents “left-wing terrorist” threat

    Quitting EU adviser: Gilles de Kerchove invents “left-wing terrorist” threat

    A handful of property damages in Italy could lead to left-wing activism being pursued more closely by police and secret services across the European Union. The initiative bears the hallmarks of the German Office for the Protection of the Constitution.…

  • Council and Commission: EU seeks two high-level security coordinators

    Council and Commission: EU seeks two high-level security coordinators

    After 14 years, the Council wants to recruit a new Counter-Terrorism Coordinator. Her remit will be expanded to include hybrid threats and cybersecurity. The Commission is also creating such a post. The member states united in the European Council want…

  • Strategic Compass: Secret services help determine EU’s military course

    Strategic Compass: Secret services help determine EU’s military course

    Member states’ foreign and defence ministries are today discussing future European Union military capabilities, including how to respond to “cyber threats”. The fodder for this “Strategic Dialogue” comes from the domestic and foreign intelligence services. MEPs are not allowed to…

  • Anti-terrorism at walking pace: Little European Union action against right-wing extremists

    Anti-terrorism at walking pace: Little European Union action against right-wing extremists

    Only after the attack in Christchurch did the EU Commission and the Council take violent right-wing extremism and terrorism more seriously. However, no progress has been made in the cross-border fight against the phenomenon. Some Member States are putting the…

  • Europol steers arms companies for security research

    Europol steers arms companies for security research

    Following the example of the US Department of Defense, Europol should coordinate European security research. In October, the EU interior ministers had decided on an “Innovation Laboratory” at the Police Agency. Due to potential confusion, the department will now be…

  • Without mandate: EU cooperates with European secret services

    Without mandate: EU cooperates with European secret services

    Although the Lisbon Treaty excludes intelligence cooperation, European domestic services cooperate with Europol and a Situation Centre in Brussels. Next week, the Justice and Home Affairs Council will discuss extending this questionable practice. The European Union intends to further intensify…