Dissecting Security Architectures

Tag: Camcopter S-100

  • German Bundeswehr: Heavy drone first time flies in regular air traffic

    German Bundeswehr: Heavy drone first time flies in regular air traffic

    A new EU certificate allows drones over 25 kilograms to fly beyond visual range in civil and military airspace. But there have been crashes. The German Armed Forces Procurement Office tested a drone for the first time in military airspace…

  • Unmanned surveillance for Fortress Europe

    Unmanned surveillance for Fortress Europe

    The agencies EMSA and Frontex have spent more than €300 million on drone services since 2016. The Mediterranean in particular is becoming a testing track for further projects. According to the study “Eurodrones Inc.” presented by Ben Hayes, Chris Jones…

  • German Navy buys unmanned helicopters

    German Navy buys unmanned helicopters

    The Defence Ministry is equipping five corvettes with helicopter drones. This could bring a procurement process that has been going on for 13 years to an end. Last week, the German Bundestag passed a bill for the “Eurodrone”, a far-reaching…

  • Reconnaissance and attack: German Bundeswehr is working on drone swarms

    Reconnaissance and attack: German Bundeswehr is working on drone swarms

    In various projects, the military and the defence industry are investigating the networking of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles. For the Air Force, they could in small numbers support air combat; for the Army, they can detect and destroy nearby…

  • EU extends maritime surveillance with drones

    EU extends maritime surveillance with drones

    Three EU agencies are responsible for maritime safety, in an agreement they want to benefit from joint reconnaissance capabilities. Drone flights are used for border, fisheries and customs controls, law enforcement and environmental protection. Seven European states are currently participating…