Tag: Common Identity Repository
New EU information system: EU member states push for police use of biometric repository
The EU is merging biometric data from different databases into a “Common Identity Repository”. Security authorities are to use it to compare fingerprints and facial images. This will affect tourists, business travellers and refugees from third countries. If the European…
Billions for Europe’s biometrics giants
All travellers will soon have to submit fingerprints and facial images at the EU’s external borders. For this, large sums of money await companies offering such technologies in each member state. In an “Interoperability Package”, the European Union is spending…
Schengen Information System: Fingerprint matching now obligatory throughout the EU
For two years now, the largest European police database has had a technique for cross-checking dactyloscopic data. The proportion of false hits is said to be in the per mille range. A comparable German system contains data records on 5.3…
Project Interoperability: EU to pay 300 million EUR for face and fingerprint recognition
The companies IDEMIA and Sopra Steria are setting up a biometric recognition system for the EU. For this purpose, fingerprints and facial images from five databases will be stored in a single file. Completion is planned in two years, but…