Tag: ETS
German proposal: EU to take over working group on covert observation and surveillance
European police forces are organised in three informal networks for the exchange of information on techniques and methods of clandestine surveillance. The German Presidency wants to merge the structures and establish them with the EU. Europol could be responsible for…
Lawful interception: German government sets up new surveillance unit at Europol
Germany uses its EU Presidency to reorganise digital surveillance in Europe. A 5G working group temporarily set up by the BKA is now being consolidated at Europol. It is to coordinate the “operational capabilities” in the Member States and facilitate…
SPECTRE Project: EU finances technology for undercover investigations
Police forces from 34 countries have been investigating criminal networks in South Eastern Europe since 2017, money comes from the Internal Security Fund of the European Union. In addition to all kinds of espionage and wiretapping technology, they also pay…