Tag: Guardia Civil
Survivor of Ceuta massacre calls on UN committee: Deaths, injuries, pushbacks unpunished in Spain
Officers of the Spanish border police are still not prosecuted for their fatal operation in Ceuta. On the 10th anniversary of the incident, the UN Anti-Torture Committee must now look into the matter. At least 15 dead, many injured and…
Status agreement with Senegal: Frontex might operate in Africa for the first time
The border agency in Warsaw could deploy drones, vessels and personnel. It would be the first mission in a country that does not directly border the EU. Mauretania might be next. As a “priority third state” in West Africa, Senegal…
Spain wants to station its gendarmerie in Gibraltar
Frontex should actually control the new EU external borders at the Rock of Gibraltar. According to an EU paper, however, the Guardia Civil will take over border tasks there for the first time. In addition to maritime surveillance, this concerns…
Migration monitoring in the Mediterranean region – Libyan military to be linked up to European surveillance systems
The Mediterranean countries of the EU are establishing a network to facilitate communication between armed forces and the border police. Libya, Egypt, Algeria and Tunisia are also set to take part. This would make them, through the back door, part…