Tag: Identitarians
Anti-Antifa from German Bundestag: MP assistant says to run right-wing “manhunt platform”
As an assistant to an AfD MP, Mario Müller fights German anti-fascists at home and abroad. He boasted about his alleged successes at the „Düsseldorf Forum“, where influential right-wingers met in secret. Accordingly, Müller also played a role in the…
Anti-terrorism at walking pace: Little European Union action against right-wing extremists
Only after the attack in Christchurch did the EU Commission and the Council take violent right-wing extremism and terrorism more seriously. However, no progress has been made in the cross-border fight against the phenomenon. Some Member States are putting the…
Secret document: “Club de Berne” criticises member in Austria for possible extremism
An audit report of the “Club de Berne” finds serious deficiencies in the Austrian domestic intelligence service. Its IT systems were not approved for secret information. The authority should also ensure that it is not infiltrated by “extremist organisations”. The…