Tag: JHA
The EU in Crypto War
Once again, the EU member states demand the weakening of encryption, associations and activists protest vehemently The German EU Council Presidency wants to pass a resolution to give police forces and secret services easier access to encrypted communications. Operators of…
Anti-terrorism at walking pace: Little European Union action against right-wing extremists
Only after the attack in Christchurch did the EU Commission and the Council take violent right-wing extremism and terrorism more seriously. However, no progress has been made in the cross-border fight against the phenomenon. Some Member States are putting the…
EU surveillance state
The EU is increasing the surveillance in its Member States. US authorities could soon also wiretap legally in Europe The new European Parliament is to be constituted in September, after which the EU Commission will be re-elected. The governments of…
Military intelligence for Europol
The EU plans to strengthen the linkages between its internal and external security structures. In future, military information will increasingly be used in combating terrorism and organised crime. Cooperation is being tested first in the field of migration. The European…