Dissecting Security Architectures

Tag: JOO

  • New Western Balkans hub for Europol and Frontex

    New Western Balkans hub for Europol and Frontex

    Although the EU agencies can now cooperate more closely with selected third countries, there have hardly been any formats for the political and strategic agreement of border police measures outside the Schengen area. Austria has now created facts for South…

  • Frontex and Europol: How refugees are tracked digitally

    Frontex and Europol: How refugees are tracked digitally

    EU agencies advise increased confiscation and extraction of asylum seekers’ mobile phones and now provide a manual on how to do so. Apps to encrypt or disguise locations are disliked in the report as “countermeasures” to surveillance. Often the mobile…

  • International investigative bureau in Vienna to combat “migrant smuggling”

    International investigative bureau in Vienna to combat “migrant smuggling”

    On 4 May 2016, the Austrian Minister of the Interior Wolfgang Sobotka opened the “Joint Operational Office against Human Smuggling Networks” (JOO) in Vienna. In a statement, the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior stated that the institution was an…