Observing Security Architectures in the EU


  • New regulation: Europol becomes the Big Data police

    New regulation: Europol becomes the Big Data police

    Following the decision of the EU interior ministers, the new Europol law will come into force in June. The police agency will thus receive new areas of responsibility and powers. Comparatively quickly, EU member states and the Parliament have launched…

  • EU Parliament approves: Europol Regulation on the home straight

    EU Parliament approves: Europol Regulation on the home straight

    The EU police agency gets a new legal basis after six years. The expansion of its powers is hardly matched by new possibilities for supervision. A parliamentary control group even proves to be a driver for the expansion of an…

  • Proposals for new Europol Regulation

    Proposals for new Europol Regulation

    The EU police agency is to process more “big data” and receive personal data from private companies. Preventive cooperation with third countries will be expanded, this also concerns secret services. On 9 December last year, the EU Commission presented a…

  • Europol Regulation: Towards a “European FBI”?

    Europol Regulation: Towards a “European FBI”?

    The police agency of the European Union is to be given more operational powers. A proposal to this effect from the Commission is expected in December, and the German Council Presidency wants to support the initiative with a conference in…

  • New Europol regulation due to enter into force from May 2017 – oversight is likely to remain superficial

    New Europol regulation due to enter into force from May 2017 – oversight is likely to remain superficial

    On 1 May 2017, the new regulation on Europol will enter into force. The compromise agreed on in the framework of the trilogue procedure lays down new more detailed provisions on oversight of the activities of Europol by the European…