Dissecting Security Architectures

Tag: Notices and Diffusion Task Force

  • Venezuela: Interpol stops dissemination of German arrest warrant

    Venezuela: Interpol stops dissemination of German arrest warrant

    For 27 years, the German police have been using dubious means to arrest three people from the left-wing spectrum in the case of the so-called K.O.M.I.T.E.E. But the crimes they are accused of have long since become time-barred. However, the…

  • Misuse of warrants: Interpol wants to clean up

    Misuse of warrants: Interpol wants to clean up

    Despite an explicit ban, many countries use Interpol arrest warrants to pursue their opposition. The police organisation therefore wants to examine tens of thousands of alerts issued between 2014 and 2016 more closely. The main focus is on possible asylum…

  • German government wants to repair Interpol

    German government wants to repair Interpol

    Some Member States use the international police organisation to persecute their opposition. 80,000 arrest warrants are therefore being re-examined. The Interpol police organisation may not use its international arrest warrants for political persecution. Article 3 of the Statutes therefore prohibits…