Dissecting Security Architectures


  • EU migration policy in Niger: Mission accomplished

    EU migration policy in Niger: Mission accomplished

    New study proves deadly impact of European migration regime in the Sahara Responsible for the deaths in the Mediterranean is the European Union’s asylum and migration policy, which requires that asylum applications can only be made in one of its…

  • Criticism over research: EU Commission funds platform to predict “migration flows”

    Criticism over research: EU Commission funds platform to predict “migration flows”

    In an Open Letter, eleven organisations criticise the creation of an infrastructure for predictive migration technologies. The tool, which is also supposed to anticipate “tensions”, is based on “artificial intelligence”. It could therefore contradict a forthcoming EU regulation. To prevent…

  • Clearview AI: What does Interpol use face recognition for?

    Clearview AI: What does Interpol use face recognition for?

    The International Police Organisation is developing a system to identify unknown persons by facial images. Interpol stores photos and videos from Internet service providers and other companies in a separate database. Interpol has also been using Clearview services for face…

  • Europol Study: Disclosure of electronic evidence often fails due to incompetence of authorities

    Europol Study: Disclosure of electronic evidence often fails due to incompetence of authorities

    The planned EU e-Evidence regulation is intended to force Internet service providers to cooperate more with police and judicial authorities. However, a survey shows that the companies already comply with their requests voluntarily. But they are often incorrect and thus…

  • German federal states test police software with Palantir function

    German federal states test police software with Palantir function

    For police investigations, publicly available data on the Internet plays an important role. The information is also used more intensively in everyday police work and combined with information from several police databases. Under the name SENTINEL, German police authorities from…

  • Interpol and Europol extend facial recognition

    Interpol and Europol extend facial recognition

    The two police organisations are using new capabilities to search biometric images. Investigators can mark persons or things and match them with other files. At the G20 summit, the Hamburg state data protection commissioner criticised this procedure. In the “INTERPOL…