Externalisation of migration: Fortress Europe now has a watch tower in Libya
An EU-funded project is providing the Libyan coast guard with new capacities. After eight years and expenditure of almost €60 million, these should now be ready for use – at least in part. After years of delays, Libyan authorities have…
More migration in Italy despite seal-off: Arrivals up by half, many departures now from Turkey
Italy’s Interior Minister Piantedosi admits: The government has not achieved its objectives on Mediterranean migration. The policy continues to be deadly: The IOM has recorded 2750 missing and drowned people. Despite a rigid migration defence policy, Italy’s government has not…
After years of EU funding: Maritime emergency centre in Libya “not operational”
Since 2017, the EU has invested in one project alone at least €57 million to counter migration from Libya. The Brussels backers also are worried about their reputation. Since the so-called “migration crisis”, the European Union has been investing in…
EU Commission continues to upgrade surveillance in Libya – and worries about its reputation
The EU is using development aid funds to finance a deployable radar system for the Libyan coast guard. The force, known for its brutality, wants to use it to detect refugees crossing to Europe. Then they will be intercepted by…
EU development aid: Italy is gifting more surveillance technology to the Libyan coastguard
With a mobile maritime monitoring centre, EU member states hope to improve the migration deterrence of authorities in Libya. The delivery with an Italian warship is also a signal to Turkey. Libya has received new technology for monitoring the Mediterranean…
Shots fired at sea rescuers: EU supports competing militias in Libya
A German public prosecutor’s office is investigating the shooting of the ship “Alan Kurdi”. Its crew could be caught between the fronts of two coastguards equipped and trained by different EU missions. With the General Administration for Coastal Security (GACS)…