Tag: USA
“Thin Blue Line”: German police divided on extremist iconography
An internal paper of the Bavarian Police problematises a symbol which stands for a conspiratorial community of solidarity. According to the paper, it is widespread in right-wing police circles and could violate the principle of neutrality and lead to disciplinary…
Hypersonic weapons: All the hype about the new technology
Russia’s military had deployed a new offensive weapon, the Kinshal, for the first time. It is the harbinger of a new arms race in which China and North Korea are also leading the way. Three weeks ago, the Russian air…
Information systems at Europol: Fishing the “data lake” with a new dragnet
The EU police agency has completely restructured its information systems. German authorities are by far the main users for storage and query. Through a parliamentary question, the successor of Palantir software at Europol is now known. The European Police Agency…
What’s the problem with the EU regulation on the release of electronic evidence?
The EU Parliament has accommodated the member states on crucial points, but now demands special attention to fundamental rights. The controversial question is how a state in which a company is based can object to an order. The French EU…
Relaunch of the EU-US Migration Platform
Twice a year the USA and the EU want to meet to talk about migration and asylum policies At their most recent meeting in Washington last December, the justice and interior ministers of the EU and the USA revived their…