In at least two cases, police in Saxonia may have monitored building entrances with cameras hidden in parked vehicles. Apparently, these go to the account of the task force “Linx”.
Apparently, in recent months, the police in Leipzig, Saxony, used vehicles that were prepared with hidden cameras. On Wednesday, such a car was discovered in a street in the Connewitz district, activists write about it on the Internet platform Indymedia, giving the license plate number. I
n photos, the handle of a basket and a hat with a punched hole can be seen in the interior, where lenses stick out. A cable cord, hidden under towels, leads to it from the hat rack into the trunk, it continues. The cameras are aimed at a house entrance and the sidewalk in front of it, according to the report.
The surveillance is said to be in the context of the manhunt for a total of 14 Antifa activists who are wanted for attacks on supposed Nazis in Budapest. In February, the Hungarian police had therefore arrested two Germans and an Italian, and further suspects are being sought. One of them is one of the defendants in the Antifa East trial. According to a report in “Der Spiegel”, the police in Saxony have increased a special “Linx” task force by ten more officers because of the manhunts. According to information from “nd”, however, these are not in permanent use for this purpose.
Also after a house raid on the occasion of the manhunts on March 15, residents in the same street in Connewitz had already discovered covert cameras in a parked vehicle. The measure, according to another report on Indymedia, may have been aimed at two activists who police believed to be “contacts” for a defendant in the Budapest trial.
That day, police in Leipzig used masked special forces to raid three apartments. A fourth, spontaneous raid then apparently took place in the afternoon due to the secret video surveillance.
Published in German in „nd“.
Image: Indymedia.
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