Dissecting Security Architectures

Tag: Croatia

  • Mass deportations from Croatia and Hungary: Organisations complain of human rights violations

    Mass deportations from Croatia and Hungary: Organisations complain of human rights violations

    More than 130,000 people were deported from Hungary to neighbouring Serbia without an asylum application being registered. Now Croatia is returning refugees on a large scale to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Croatian police are currently carrying out mass deportations of refugees…

  • LeaveNoOneBehind project: An app for the right to asylum

    LeaveNoOneBehind project: An app for the right to asylum

    The project “Claim Asylum EU” aims to help people seeking protection in the European Union. This is necessary because the border authorities at the EU’s external borders are breaking international law on a massive scale. In the 1951 Geneva Convention…

  • Equipment and training: Germany supports police build-up in Croatia

    Equipment and training: Germany supports police build-up in Croatia

    The Croatian police are known for their brutality and human rights violations at the country’s external borders, yet the German governments continues to train them. Number plate scanners, thermal imaging cameras and vehicles could be used for pushbacks in violation…

  • Secret aerial surveillance: What does an hour’s flight with a Frontex drone cost?

    Secret aerial surveillance: What does an hour’s flight with a Frontex drone cost?

    With a new regulation, the EU border agency has set up its own aerial surveillance with aircraft. With the arrival of drones, migration control with the “Multipurpose Aerial Surveillance” has become much more effective, but presumably also more expensive. For…

  • Frontex has air superiority

    Frontex has air superiority

    With its aerial surveillance, from space and soon possibly from the stratosphere, the EU border agency is becoming a quasi-secret service Twice in the past six years, the EU has drastically expanded Frontex’s powers. In 2016, the agency was allowed…

  • Frontex and Europol: How refugees are tracked digitally

    Frontex and Europol: How refugees are tracked digitally

    EU agencies advise increased confiscation and extraction of asylum seekers’ mobile phones and now provide a manual on how to do so. Apps to encrypt or disguise locations are disliked in the report as “countermeasures” to surveillance. Often the mobile…