Security Architectures in the EU

Tag: EU Parliament

  • New agreements: European Union wants to expand use of passenger data

    New agreements: European Union wants to expand use of passenger data

    The EU Parliament is to deal with a new agreement on the exchange of passenger data with Canada. So far, PNR agreements exist only with the USA and Australia, but now the EU Commission also wants to negotiate with Japan.…

  • EU surveillance state

    EU surveillance state

    The EU is increasing the surveillance in its Member States. US authorities could soon also wiretap legally in Europe The new European Parliament is to be constituted in September, after which the EU Commission will be re-elected. The governments of…

  • Upload filters: Europol is creating facts

    Upload filters: Europol is creating facts

    The planned EU Regulation on the removal of “terrorist content online” has no longer made it through the legislative process; in autumn the newly elected parliament will decide on it. The governments hope that the MEPs will then vote in…

  • EU merges biometric data pots: Now the query tsunami is coming

    EU merges biometric data pots: Now the query tsunami is coming

    Under the keyword “Interoperability”, the large EU databases in the area of justice and home affairs will be interlinked. Fingerprints and facial images are stored with personal data in a searchable “Identity Repository”. Data queries are expected to increase drastically,…