Tag: IMO
EU states against civilian rescue: Ships should meet higher standards
The German Federal Minister of Transport wants to tighten the Ship Safety Ordinance and thus put obstacles in the way of sea rescuers. Behind this is a master plan by an EU group in which three German ministries participate Together…
After years of EU funding: Maritime emergency centre in Libya “not operational”
Since 2017, the EU has invested in one project alone at least €57 million to counter migration from Libya. The Brussels backers also are worried about their reputation. Since the so-called “migration crisis”, the European Union has been investing in…
Frontex: Migration control from space
In EUROSUR, EU member states use various satellite services for maritime surveillance. Frontex and the Maritime Security Agency conclude cooperation agreements with the “Copernicus” programme for this purpose. All the information Frontex collects at the EU’s external borders is fed…
EU development aid: Italy is gifting more surveillance technology to the Libyan coastguard
With a mobile maritime monitoring centre, EU member states hope to improve the migration deterrence of authorities in Libya. The delivery with an Italian warship is also a signal to Turkey. Libya has received new technology for monitoring the Mediterranean…
WhatsApp to Libya: How Frontex uses a trick to circumvent international law
The EU is not allowed to return refugees to countries where they face persecution. In 2017, the Commission therefore set up a backdoor for refoulement to North Africa. Published text messages now reveal how Frontex is providing aerial reconnaissance for…
Artificial intelligence: Frontex improves its maritime surveillance
Frontex wants to use a new platform to automatically detect and assess “risks” on the seas of the European Union. Suspected irregular activities are to be displayed in a constantly updated “threat map” with the help of self-learning software. The…