Tag: Migration
Ripping off refugees: German federal state wants jewellery from asylum seekers
The German Asylum Seekers’ Benefits Act allows applicants to be deprived of funds in excess of €200. Baden-Württemberg wants to extend this and is modelling itself on Denmark. The Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Justice wants to focus more on deterrent measures…
Federal Office in Germany advertises return to Greece: Letters cause panic among refugees
In official letters to asylum seekers already recognised in Greece, the German Federal Office for Migration states that their second application in Germany will probably be rejected. The communication is dubious for various reasons. The German Federal Office for Migration…
Von der Leyen on ‘weaponisation of migration’: From now on, refoulement of refugees is allowed
The EU Commission has published a communication according to which states are authorised to pushback refugees to Russia and Belarus if they ‘use migration as a weapon’. This opens the floodgates for even more human rights violations. On Wednesday, the…
11-year-old rescued alone in the Mediterranean: Coastguard searches for dozens dead off Lampedusa
A girl from Sierra Leone was adrift in the Mediterranean for several days after a migrant boat from Tunisia sank. An aid organisation from Wendland rescued the child from drowning. 12 miles off the Italian island of Lampedusa, a German…
Border surveillance and control: EU has invested 3.5 billion in anti-migration research
With significant involvement from Frontex, the EU Commission has funded more than 800 migration-related security research projects over the past 17 years. The aim is to bring the external borders up to the latest technological standards. Since 2007, the European…
Justice for German journalist: Four racists sentenced for attack on the island of Lesbos
Four years after attacks on a boat carrying refugees and a German journalist in the port of Thermi on Lesbos, four defendants have been found guilty. On 1 March 2020, 50 refugees drifted unmanoeuvrable on a rubber dinghy between Turkey…