Tag: Refugees
Ripping off refugees: German federal state wants jewellery from asylum seekers
The German Asylum Seekers’ Benefits Act allows applicants to be deprived of funds in excess of €200. Baden-Württemberg wants to extend this and is modelling itself on Denmark. The Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Justice wants to focus more on deterrent measures…
Federal Office in Germany advertises return to Greece: Letters cause panic among refugees
In official letters to asylum seekers already recognised in Greece, the German Federal Office for Migration states that their second application in Germany will probably be rejected. The communication is dubious for various reasons. The German Federal Office for Migration…
German trial over death of refugee Mouhamed Dramé ends with acquittals for five police defendants
After a year of trial, five police officers in Dortmund have been acquitted. The court recognised Mouhamed Dramé’s jumping up as self-defence-situation for the defendants – even though the victim was forced to do so by them. In the German…
Von der Leyen on ‘weaponisation of migration’: From now on, refoulement of refugees is allowed
The EU Commission has published a communication according to which states are authorised to pushback refugees to Russia and Belarus if they ‘use migration as a weapon’. This opens the floodgates for even more human rights violations. On Wednesday, the…
Demand for EU directive for refugees: 15 German organisations criticise persecution as “smugglers”
Human rights organisations are calling on the German government to take a stand against the criminalisation of refugees and solidarity in Europe. They are also calling for safe and legal escape routes. 15 human rights organisations based in Germany, including…
One third of all asylum applications in Germany rejected in 2023
An asylum decision takes an average of seven months, and it takes a further 18 months to appeal. Lost cases cost the federal government €17.8 million last year. Two thirds of all asylum applications examined by the German Federal Office…