Dissecting Security Architectures in Germany and EU

Tag: Switzerland

  • Schengen Information System: Largest European police database now with Ireland

    Schengen Information System: Largest European police database now with Ireland

    Presumably because of the Corona pandemic, queries to Europe’s largest wanted persons database have dropped drastically. Irish authorities now also participate in the system, but are only allowed to process about a third of the wanted persons entered there. On…

  • Privileged third country: EU security cooperation with Great Britain after Brexit

    Privileged third country: EU security cooperation with Great Britain after Brexit

    British authorities continue to participate in many EU instruments in the area of justice and home affairs, and cooperation in some cases even goes further than with the Schengen states Norway, Iceland or Switzerland. The exit from Europol and the…

  • European police networking in the twilight

    European police networking in the twilight

    The Police Working Group on Terrorism (PWGT) consists of the political departments of police authorities in all Schengen states. The informal group was established in 1979 as a response to left-wing armed movements. After their disappearance, the purpose of the…

  • SIS 3.0: Thousands of new authorities use the Schengen Information System

    SIS 3.0: Thousands of new authorities use the Schengen Information System

    After police, customs and immigration offices, numerous non-police authorities are now connected to Europe’s largest database for security purposes. All Schengen states now have to implement three new regulations. Surprisingly, there is resistance in Switzerland. In the end, the country…

  • Lawful interception: German government sets up new surveillance unit at Europol

    Lawful interception: German government sets up new surveillance unit at Europol

    Germany uses its EU Presidency to reorganise digital surveillance in Europe. A 5G working group temporarily set up by the BKA is now being consolidated at Europol. It is to coordinate the “operational capabilities” in the Member States and facilitate…

  • EU police forces plan new information system

    EU police forces plan new information system

    European police authorities have numerous applications for communication and information exchange. Member States are now developing another platform for large-scale police operations and terrorist attacks. The European domestic secret services have a similar system. Several European police authorities are developing…