Tag: Western Balkans
Mass deportations from Croatia and Hungary: Organisations complain of human rights violations
More than 130,000 people were deported from Hungary to neighbouring Serbia without an asylum application being registered. Now Croatia is returning refugees on a large scale to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Croatian police are currently carrying out mass deportations of refugees…
Western Balkans test field: Frontex already operates in four non-EU states
Frontex was once established to support EU Member States with an external border in their surveillance. The tasks of this European Border and Coast Guard have always included improving controls on land and at EU airports and seaports. However, with…
Fortress Europe: EU wants more border surveillance technology
Activists warn of increase in illegal deportations and police violence The EU Commission still maintains that it does not want to finance fences at the Union’s external borders – at least not directly. However, the 12 member states that already…
First deployment on the edge of a war zone: EU sends Frontex to Moldova
In just a few days, the Republic of Moldova could command units of the EU border force, the deployment is already being prepared. However, a status agreement currently being negotiated with the government in Chisinau would have to exclude operations…
Status agreement with Senegal: Frontex might operate in Africa for the first time
The border agency in Warsaw could deploy drones, vessels and personnel. It would be the first mission in a country that does not directly border the EU. Mauretania might be next. As a “priority third state” in West Africa, Senegal…
Frontex and Europol: How refugees are tracked digitally
EU agencies advise increased confiscation and extraction of asylum seekers’ mobile phones and now provide a manual on how to do so. Apps to encrypt or disguise locations are disliked in the report as “countermeasures” to surveillance. Often the mobile…