Dissecting Security Architectures in Germany and EU

Tag: Big Data

  • EU Parliament approves: Europol Regulation on the home straight

    EU Parliament approves: Europol Regulation on the home straight

    The EU police agency gets a new legal basis after six years. The expansion of its powers is hardly matched by new possibilities for supervision. A parliamentary control group even proves to be a driver for the expansion of an…

  • Negotiations on the Europol Regulation: Will there be a “European FBI” by the end of the year?

    Negotiations on the Europol Regulation: Will there be a “European FBI” by the end of the year?

    Europol is to be allowed to carry out “discreet” manhunts and request large amounts of data from private companies, using “artificial intelligence”. In addition, the police agency coordinates special units and cooperated with foreign secret services. The European Parliament, the…

  • New regulation: Europol becomes quasi-secret service

    New regulation: Europol becomes quasi-secret service

    The EU police agency processes billions of personalised “big data”, much of it from governmental hacks or intelligence sources. The new Europol vice-director, who was trained in the French military, plays a special role. Now it’s up to the EU…

  • Proposals for new Europol Regulation

    Proposals for new Europol Regulation

    The EU police agency is to process more “big data” and receive personal data from private companies. Preventive cooperation with third countries will be expanded, this also concerns secret services. On 9 December last year, the EU Commission presented a…

  • Predicting crime and profiling: Europol and Frontex turn to artificial intelligence

    Predicting crime and profiling: Europol and Frontex turn to artificial intelligence

    The EU police agency will soon receive a new regulation that will allow sensitive personal data to be used for research purposes. Corresponding projects are already underway. As early as next year, the EU border agency wants to use an…

  • EU Presidency: Germany advocates “European Police Partnership”

    EU Presidency: Germany advocates “European Police Partnership”

    The German Federal Ministry of the Interior wants to expand Europol and the international exchange of data during its EU Presidency. European police authorities will be supported with face recognition and decryption capabilities. Also on the agenda are the Europe-wide…