Security Architectures in Germany and EU

Tag: Copernicus

  • Great Britain wants to return to Frontex: Official request at EU summit in early October

    Great Britain wants to return to Frontex: Official request at EU summit in early October

    Through an agreement with Frontex, the United Kingdom wants to normalize cooperation with Brussels. However, the country has long been involved in other EU programs to counter migration. The British government has reached a preliminary agreement with the European Union…

  • With sousveillance against the watchers

    With sousveillance against the watchers

    Images from satellites and drones could support civilian rescue organisations in operations in the Mediterranean, and an app could help against pushbacks at land borders. But the technology is currently only helping in rudimentary ways at best. The Mediterranean Sea…

  • Frontex: Migration control from space

    Frontex: Migration control from space

    In EUROSUR, EU member states use various satellite services for maritime surveillance. Frontex and the Maritime Security Agency conclude cooperation agreements with the “Copernicus” programme for this purpose. All the information Frontex collects at the EU’s external borders is fed…

  • Frontex has air superiority

    Frontex has air superiority

    With its aerial surveillance, from space and soon possibly from the stratosphere, the EU border agency is becoming a quasi-secret service Twice in the past six years, the EU has drastically expanded Frontex’s powers. In 2016, the agency was allowed…

  • Space-Eye: Satellite surveillance from underneath

    Space-Eye: Satellite surveillance from underneath

    High-resolution images from earth observation could help with non-governmental sea rescues in the Mediterranean. However, these have to be purchased from commercial providers, because openly accessible images from EU satellites are of low quality. An initiative now wants to enrich…

  • Frontex closes surveillance gaps in the air and in space

    Frontex closes surveillance gaps in the air and in space

    High-flying drones are to reconnoitre the EU’s external borders from the stratosphere, a static zeppelin is already observing close to the ground. With interception systems in space, the EU border agency wants to locate and possibly tap satellite telephones in…