Dissecting Security Architectures

Tag: IntCen

  • Military and secret services: EU gears up for cyber attacks

    Military and secret services: EU gears up for cyber attacks

    The German Armed Forces are leading an EU project to coordinate “hackbacks”. Information gathering will be taken over by “cyber intelligence services”. The European Union is to strengthen its cyber defence capabilities, including the development of “active defence capabilities”. These…

  • Strategic Compass: EU to get new secret service centre

    Strategic Compass: EU to get new secret service centre

    The two EU secret service situation centres could soon be merged into a single institution. Their surveillance capacities are currently being expanded. Operational competences are also under discussion. The European Commission wants to take the cooperation of intelligence services within…

  • European Cyber Exercise: Digital Attacks from “Blue Land”

    European Cyber Exercise: Digital Attacks from “Blue Land”

    For five weeks, EU member states will simulate attacks on their critical infrastructures. For the first time, the threshold of an armed attack will be surpassed. The rehearsal includes the provision of assistance in accordance with EU treaties, and the…

  • EU and NATO: Military, police, secret services against migration as “hybrid threat”

    EU and NATO: Military, police, secret services against migration as “hybrid threat”

    Since the Lisbon Treaty, the EU Commission and the Council intertwined internal and external security and thus closer cooperate with NATO. In 2015, a fighting word was created for this, which is being positioned against disinformation, cyber attacks and migration.…

  • Controversial term: German Ministry of the Interior sneaks “Gefährder” into the EU

    Controversial term: German Ministry of the Interior sneaks “Gefährder” into the EU

    In order for state protection departments to be able to cooperate better at EU level in the area of politically motivated crime, they need common definitions of the persons to be prosecuted. A corresponding initiative to this end comes from…

  • Action plan on Afghanistan: Europol to hire evacuated staff from Kabul

    Action plan on Afghanistan: Europol to hire evacuated staff from Kabul

    A high-ranking EU advisor has drawn up recommendations for the Council and the Commission on how to deal with evacuees and refugees from Afghanistan. The focus is on more cooperation with secret services and NATO. The European Union’s anti-terrorism coordinator…