Tag: Mauritania
Frontex threatens to withdraw from Spain after border agency introduced new command structure
Once again, the government in Madrid is at odds with Frontex over competences. One mission has already been cancelled as a result. EU funding is also at stake. The EU border agency is threatening to end its operations in Spain…
What is Frontex doing in Senegal? Secret services also participate in their network of “Risk Analysis Cells”
Frontex has been allowed to conclude stationing agreements with third countries since 2016. However, the government in Dakar does not currently want the EU border police in the country. Nevertheless, Frontex has been active there since 2006. When Frontex was…
A letter from hell: EU Commission President outlines new border surveillance for North Africa
The EU is paying hundreds of millions of euros this year to “partner countries” Libya, Egypt and Tunisia for border surveillance. The announcement came just days after the shipwreck off Pylos. Since December 1, 2019, former German Defense Minister Ursula…
Status agreement with Senegal: Frontex might operate in Africa for the first time
The border agency in Warsaw could deploy drones, vessels and personnel. It would be the first mission in a country that does not directly border the EU. Mauretania might be next. As a “priority third state” in West Africa, Senegal…