Tag: Migration
Thousands of expellations every year: German government explains numbers of people losing their right of residence
Around 330,000 people are registered for expellation in Germany. However, only ten per cent of them are still in the country. The number of expellations in Germany has levelled off at a uniform level. This is according to an answer…
EU Entry/Exit System: Germany scrubs repeatedly postponed launch again
The stability and functionality of the EU’s huge biometric database still cannot be tested. The German government adjourns the launch of the system for an undetermined period of time. The full introduction of the new EU Entry/Exit System (EES), which…
Demand for EU directive for refugees: 15 German organisations criticise persecution as “smugglers”
Human rights organisations are calling on the German government to take a stand against the criminalisation of refugees and solidarity in Europe. They are also calling for safe and legal escape routes. 15 human rights organisations based in Germany, including…
German police are racist: New study on structural discrimination in everyday police work presented
Police officers tend to take harsh action against certain groups of people. This is not only due to individual prejudices, a study from Lower Saxony has now shown. Reports from those affected have shown for years that police officers in…
Frontex should no longer hand over refugees to Libya: Lawyers act against the transfer of location data
Because Frontex also informs the Libyan Coast Guard about boats that are not in distress at sea, refugees are taking action against this practice at the EU. Frontex defames this as “publicity”. Two weeks ago, Frontex confirmed that the number…
EU pushes for new surveillance technology against migration, German police union asks for €35 million
A new EU regulation on the introduction of border controls came into force in June. Unwanted entries are to be prevented using drones, motion sensors and other technologies. The police spoke out on Monday in the debate about stationary controls…