Tag: Olympic Games
Frontex tests upload of selfies: “Quick Border App” to supplement new regulation for entry into the EU
A new app is intended to help reduce the drastic increase in waiting times at the EU’s external borders from the autumn. Its use is voluntary, says Frontex. All visa-free travellers from third countries are to provide their biometric data…
Frontex threatens to withdraw from Spain after border agency introduced new command structure
Once again, the government in Madrid is at odds with Frontex over competences. One mission has already been cancelled as a result. EU funding is also at stake. The EU border agency is threatening to end its operations in Spain…
New EU biometrics system: Frontex and German Police develop app for EU travelers
From next year, EU authorities expect long queues at the external borders. The reason is a new “Entry/Exit System” that requires biometric data from all travellers. An app is to provide a remedy. Next year, the European Union plans to…
EES postponed for the fourth time, responsible EU director does’t claim compensation from former employer
The “Entry/Exit System” (EES) is supposed to create the largest European biometric database. Atos, among others, is held responsible for the now three-year postponement of the system. Two former leaders of the group now hold senior posts in Brussels, including…