Dissecting Security Architectures


  • “Brussels farce”: Hungary’s justice minister rails against EU committee

    “Brussels farce”: Hungary’s justice minister rails against EU committee

    A parliamentary EU committee investigated political persecution in Hungary using the “Pegasus” spyware. The government suspected a left-wing conspiracy and was apparently poorly informed about it. The rift between the EU and Hungary is deepening. On Monday, Justice Minister Judit…

  • Pegasus and Predator investigations: Europol is not a European FBI

    Pegasus and Predator investigations: Europol is not a European FBI

    The EU Parliament’s committee of enquiry into Pegasus and other spy software is calling for Europol to investigate the scandal. However, there are reasons why the police agency’s powers are limited. While the EU Parliament is looking into the spyware…

  • Europol is not investigating “Europe’s Watergate”

    Europol is not investigating “Europe’s Watergate”

    The EU Parliament is probing one of Europe’s biggest espionage scandals, but has little power to do so. Europol should investigate the misuse of “state trojan “Pegasus” in the EU, MEPs demand. However, this would only be possible with the…

  • Predator by Cytrox: Spyware discovered on phone of Greek journalist

    Predator by Cytrox: Spyware discovered on phone of Greek journalist

    A committee of enquiry in the EU Parliament is to look into the use of mercenary spyware against opposition members and media workers in Europe. German clients could also be in the spotlight, according to an analysis by the Meta…