Dissecting Security Architectures in Germany and EU

Tag: Category 1

  • Pistols and ammunition: Frontex chooses weapons manufacturer from Austria

    Pistols and ammunition: Frontex chooses weapons manufacturer from Austria

    With a “Standing Corps”, the European Union has a uniformed and armed police unit for the first time. Whether Frontex is allowed to buy, store and transport weapons at all, however, is controversial. A planned loan agreement with Greece has…

  • Frontex and the use of force

    Frontex and the use of force

    With the “Standing Corps”, the EU has an armed police force for the first time. The use of guns and other means of coercion is to be monitored by a “Committee on the Use of Force”, whose members are selected…

  • EU law: No one can stop Frontex

    EU law: No one can stop Frontex

    For the first time, the EU border agency commands and arms its own police force. Because its director is “fully independent”, this reinforces a glaring control deficit. Frontex is an agency which was established by the Council of the European…