Security Architectures in the EU

Tag: E2EE

  • Spotlight on: State Trojans

    Spotlight on: State Trojans

    In Greek mythology, the horse outside the city of Troy was a wooden gift in whose hull some of the hostile Achaeans had hidden. Unsuspecting inhabitants, certain of victory over the invaders, pulled it in, the Achaeans climbed out at…

  • Germany: Trojans for all

    Germany: Trojans for all

    The German Bundestag passed new wiretapping laws for secret services and the Federal Police In future, German secret services will be able to remotely access private computers or telephones with spy software. They will be allowed to intercept not only…

  • Security research: EU Commission to fund technology to decrypt 5G connections

    Security research: EU Commission to fund technology to decrypt 5G connections

    European police authorities are invited to submit proposals for the development of an interception platform. Authorities from third countries can also participate in the research project. Several German initiatives, including those of the domestic secret service, served as door openers.…

  • How it all began: Five years of fight against end-to-end encryption

    How it all began: Five years of fight against end-to-end encryption

    The German EU Presidency wants to enable police forces and secret services to circumvent end-to-end encrypted communication or to use technical tools to defeat it. A look at the activities carried out over the past five years allows some conclusions…