Dissecting Security Architectures in Germany and EU


  • Privileged third country: EU security cooperation with Great Britain after Brexit

    Privileged third country: EU security cooperation with Great Britain after Brexit

    British authorities continue to participate in many EU instruments in the area of justice and home affairs, and cooperation in some cases even goes further than with the Schengen states Norway, Iceland or Switzerland. The exit from Europol and the…

  • Brexit agreement: Close EU police cooperation with the UK continues

    Brexit agreement: Close EU police cooperation with the UK continues

    British authorities retain access to the EU-wide exchange of PNR data and are allowed to query biometric records in EU member states. Additional agreements regulate close cooperation with Europol and the rapid extradition of wanted persons. However, the UK must…

  • Query on Suspicion: German EU Council Presidency wants Criminal Records Index

    Query on Suspicion: German EU Council Presidency wants Criminal Records Index

    For the second time, the German Federal Criminal Police Office is leading an EU pilot project that aims to enable cross-border queries of police files. This could affect not only police suspects but also their associates or victims. The Federal…

  • Upgrade for the Schengen Information System

    Upgrade for the Schengen Information System

    The European Union is restructuring its police database landscape. Existing systems are being merged and supplemented by new ones. The number of authorised users is also increasing. Following technical changes, the relevant Council working groups are now being reorganised. The…

  • New database at Eurojust: Who’s a terrorist?

    New database at Eurojust: Who’s a terrorist?

    The EU has a Criminal Record Information System since 2012, but last week a second database was introduced only for “terrorist threats”. Its added value is unclear and may be the search for “interconnections”. The system also includes “right-wing and…

  • Europe’s largest police database expanded again

    Europe’s largest police database expanded again

    The Schengen Information System contains 79 million entries on persons and objects. These can now also be used by the EU agencies. A new regulation allows simple police officers to question people. With the publication in the Official Journal of…