Shots fired at sea rescuers: EU supports competing militias in Libya
A German public prosecutor’s office is investigating the shooting of the ship “Alan Kurdi”. Its crew could be caught between the fronts of two coastguards equipped and trained by different EU missions. With the General Administration for Coastal Security (GACS)…
Germany’s rescue drone will not fly in the Mediterranean
Unmanned systems could help to rescue shipwrecked boats in the Mediterranean. However, a new German sea rescue drone is only to be used in the North Sea and Baltic Sea. Under the name “LARUS”, the German Government develops drones for…
“In fact, Frontex is now flying for the Libyan coastguard”
Frontex gets more resources and powers. Setting the course before elections to the EU Parliament. A conversation with Matthias Monroy The EU wants to perfect the moat of its Fortress Europe and transform the European Agency for Border and Coast…
EU Military in the Mediterranean: Mission accomplished
EUNAVFOR MED and Frontex now fly for Libyan Coast Guard The European Union only wants to observe sea rescue operations off Libya from the air and no longer send its own ships. The warships involved in the EUNAVFOR MED military…
Interpol investigates war crimes in Syria and Iraq
Many “foreign fighters” return to their home countries, 40 Germans and 130 French citizens alone are to be transferred from Kurdish prisons. The authorities are collecting “battlefield evidence” to bring them to court. Many “foreign fighters” in Syria or Iraq…
Drones watching Fortress Europe
The market for military long-endurance drones is dominated by two companies from Israel and one from the USA. Their products are now flying missions to monitor the Mediterranean Sea. The Israeli company Elbit has been commissioned by the European Union…