DNA, facial images and fingerprints: German biometric police systems contain 10 million people
Police authorities are increasingly requesting biometric data, more and more often with success. The search is carried out in German and European information systems. However, the results are not always trustworthy. Since 2008, German police forces have been able to…
Migration control: EU agency spends € 1.5 billion on virtual borders
The launch of the new Entry/Exit System is delayed to September 2023, the Commission says the contracted companies are to blame. Between 2014 and 2020 alone, Frontex and eu-LISA agencies spent a total of €1.9 billion on contracts for border…
Travel authorisations: Carriers must query new EU database
A new information system is supposed to screen travellers for risks at the EU’s external borders. Of interest is, among other things, whether there is an irregular migration history or an “epidemic risk”. The agencies Europol and Frontex will receive…
Billions for Europe’s biometrics giants
All travellers will soon have to submit fingerprints and facial images at the EU’s external borders. For this, large sums of money await companies offering such technologies in each member state. In an “Interoperability Package”, the European Union is spending…
Behavioural analysis and Twitter check: EU security research tests new “lie detector” for border control
The EU Court of Justice is to decide how extensively the Commission must inform about a research project sensitive to fundamental rights. The decision is of great significance, because the successor to iBorderCtrl, which has long been terminated, is also…
Facial recognition at German police authorities increased by more than a third
Millions of faces, fingerprints and palm prints are stored in German police databases. Law enforcement agencies are also processing more and more biometric data at the EU level. The comparison of photographs by German police authorities has again increased sharply…