Dissecting Security Architectures in Germany and EU

Tag: Fingerprints

  • Facial recognition at German police authorities increased by more than a third

    Facial recognition at German police authorities increased by more than a third

    Millions of faces, fingerprints and palm prints are stored in German police databases. Law enforcement agencies are also processing more and more biometric data at the EU level. The comparison of photographs by German police authorities has again increased sharply…

  • Project Interoperability: EU to pay 300 million EUR for face and fingerprint recognition

    Project Interoperability: EU to pay 300 million EUR for face and fingerprint recognition

    The companies IDEMIA and Sopra Steria are setting up a biometric recognition system for the EU. For this purpose, fingerprints and facial images from five databases will be stored in a single file. Completion is planned in two years, but…

  • New investigative tools: German police receives 78 million euros for Schengen Information System

    New investigative tools: German police receives 78 million euros for Schengen Information System

    Three new EU regulations significantly expand the possibilities of the largest European police database. Four different biometric data can now be entered in SIS II. The number of storages and searches is once again increasing significantly. German authorities are among…

  • EU facial recognition

    EU facial recognition

    Police and secret services can currently search facial images only in individual EU Member States. The EU wants to change that The European Union wants to make it much easier for police to cross-check facial images. In the future, it…

  • Europe’s largest police database expanded again

    Europe’s largest police database expanded again

    The Schengen Information System contains 79 million entries on persons and objects. These can now also be used by the EU agencies. A new regulation allows simple police officers to question people. With the publication in the Official Journal of…

  • EU adds facial recognition capabilities to police databases

    EU adds facial recognition capabilities to police databases

    Last week, the European Commission published its proposal to recast the EURODAC Regulation, which includes plans for longer storage periods, an expansion of data categories and comparison capabilities, and mandatory fingerprinting and photographing. To date, EURODAC has been used for…