Security Architectures in Germany and EU

Tag: LKA

  • “Thin Blue Line”: German police divided on extremist iconography

    “Thin Blue Line”: German police divided on extremist iconography

    An internal paper of the Bavarian Police problematises a symbol which stands for a conspiratorial community of solidarity. According to the paper, it is widespread in right-wing police circles and could violate the principle of neutrality and lead to disciplinary…

  • German police use drone to combat social benefit fraud

    German police use drone to combat social benefit fraud

    Along with Bavaria, North Rhine-Westphalia is one of the pioneers in the use of police drones. Now an unmanned aircraft is being used to track organised fraudulent benefits to the disfavor of the job centre The German Federal Criminal Police…

  • Right-wing attacks: German Police and Europol cannot decrypt suspects’ devices

    Right-wing attacks: German Police and Europol cannot decrypt suspects’ devices

    The Berlin police fail to crack the mobile phone and laptop of a neo-Nazi. This is stated in the final report of the investigation team on arson and spraying in the Neukölln district. Federal authorities and companies have also chipped…

  • The long arm of repression

    The long arm of repression

    The Hamburg police use the EU arrest warrant and the European Investigation Order to prosecute activists after the G20 summit. The Federal Criminal Police Office assumes the function of a central office. After the G20 summit, the Hamburg special commission…