Tag: EU
Much less seaborne migration to Italy, government in Rome and U.N. report
The number of arrivals via the central Mediterranean route has fallen drastically by 2024. Libya announces an even tougher approach and concludes a new deal with the EU. Compared to 2023, significantly fewer people are arriving in Italy on the…
Bosnian refugee camp Lipa: Dispute over “Austrian Guantanamo”
20 governments participate in the Vienna ICMPD and finance or receive its activities. The ÖVP-affiliated organisation handles migration control for the EU. Every year, the EU spends hundreds of millions of euros to manage and counter migration in third countries.…
European Investigation Order: Mutual legal assistance at the cost of the accused
An EU directive from 2014 allows police to break the law across borders Since a special meeting of the European Council in Tampere, Finland, in 1999, the mutual recognition of judicial decisions has been one of the principles of EU…
Relaunch of the EU-US Migration Platform
Twice a year the USA and the EU want to meet to talk about migration and asylum policies At their most recent meeting in Washington last December, the justice and interior ministers of the EU and the USA revived their…
EU surveillance state
The EU is increasing the surveillance in its Member States. US authorities could soon also wiretap legally in Europe The new European Parliament is to be constituted in September, after which the EU Commission will be re-elected. The governments of…