Tag: MAS
Human rights violations in Malta: Frontex Fundamental Rights Officer criticises own air surveillance
An emergency at sea in May this year shows how Maltese authorities lets unseaworthy boats pass unrescued so that refugees are taken on board much later by neighbouring Italy or drown. Frontex’s acting Fundamental Rights Officer has clearer words for…
Secret aerial surveillance: What does an hour’s flight with a Frontex drone cost?
With a new regulation, the EU border agency has set up its own aerial surveillance with aircraft. With the arrival of drones, migration control with the “Multipurpose Aerial Surveillance” has become much more effective, but presumably also more expensive. For…
Mediterranean Sea: Frontex claims to have detected 13,000 refugees with drones
After in Malta, the EU border agency is now stationing a long-range drone on Crete. There is contradictory information on the surveillance technology on board. According to its own figures, Frontex has detected at least 13,000 refugees in 300 cases…
Frontex has air superiority
With its aerial surveillance, from space and soon possibly from the stratosphere, the EU border agency is becoming a quasi-secret service Twice in the past six years, the EU has drastically expanded Frontex’s powers. In 2016, the agency was allowed…
Frontex pays another €84 million for aerial surveillance
The border agency spends one-sixth of its budget on flights at the EU’s external borders. With the service, the Frontex director makes himself independent of the governments of the member states. A contract for helicopter operations does not materialise for…
Frontex aircraft: Below the radar against international law
For three years, Frontex has been chartering small aircraft for the surveillance of the EU’s external borders. First Italy was thus supported, then Croatia followed. Frontex keeps the planes details secret, and the companies also switch off the transponders for…