Tag: Gaza
Germany does not investigate deaths of its citizens despite Israel’s crimes under international law
Several Germans were killed by Israel in Gaza. Even though these are criminal offences, the German government does not want to prosecute them. International lawyers and the Left Party group in the Bundestag are criticising this. Since the attack by…
200 people or events canceled in Germany for criticising Israel or showing solidarity to Palestinians
A German foundation withdraws a prize due to calls for a boycott of Israel, a festival cancels an exhibition of children’s drawings from Gaza. Since 7 October 2023, more and more such cases have become known. The German Schelling Architecture…
Classical music for Gaza: “Make Freedom Ring” organises benefit concerts for emergency aid in the Strip
Renowned musicians are collecting donations for humanitarian aid in Gaza at the Himmelfahrtskirche in Munich. The concert is also intended to send a signal against the silence of the classical music scene on Israel’s war. In contrast to the club…
Apartheid claim still considered anti-Semitic in Germany, Pride stickers as “offending behaviour” against Israel
The highest international court has found Israel to be in violation of the UN Convention on Racial Discrimination and Apartheid. The German organisation RIAS and the Berlin Register do not draw any conclusions from this. In an unprecedented opinion on…
No murder over Gaza postings: Judiciary sees no third-party involved in death of Jordanian student
Because a German blogger spread a false report on the case of the dead student Mohammad Barakat around Christmas, the police exceptionally ignored the press code. The Hamburg Public Prosecutor General’s Office still sees no evidence of third-party culpability in…