Tag: Portugal
Police violence in Germany: Misuse of “Wiretapping Paragraph”
The ban on filming police operations is an international exception The practice of the German police to prohibit recordings of police operations with reference to the Penal Code is rather exceptional in international comparison. This is the conclusion of a…
EU drones for people in distress: Dropping life rafts for pullbacks?
For the first time, drones are flying on behalf of an EU agency with rescue equipment on board. On the high seas, the actually useful technology could encourage illegal refoulements to countries like Libya. Perhaps the new function will only…
EU Council and Commission: New roadmap for access to encryption
The Portuguese Presidency is calling for an EU-wide regulation on access to encrypted content by police and judiciary. This should also affect device manufacturers. Failure to comply could result in companies being banned from doing business in the EU. The…
Strategic Compass: Secret services help determine EU’s military course
Member states’ foreign and defence ministries are today discussing future European Union military capabilities, including how to respond to “cyber threats”. The fodder for this “Strategic Dialogue” comes from the domestic and foreign intelligence services. MEPs are not allowed to…