Tag: Customs
Surveillance now banned in secrecy: German government takes a new approach towards parliament
The left-wing parliamentary group has published annual figures for stealth SMS and other surveillance measures based on parliamentary questions. The Social Democratic Ministry of the Interior is now putting an end to this. The Federal Ministry of the Interior has…
More German authorities introduce facial recognition, while the police photo database breaks through 5 million mark
German police forces have been using a facial recognition system at the Federal Criminal Police Office since 2008. Three other security or migration authorities are now expanding this technology with their own applications. “It is now becoming clear how well…
Too much cocaine from “hinterland”: Berlin wants security partnership “from Peru to Germany”
Due to increasing cocaine seizures, there should be better surveillance of German harbours. Latin American security authorities will therefore be joining a conference in Hamburg in May. The German Minister of the Interior, Nancy Faeser (Social Democratic Party of Germany,…
Drastic increase in automated searches in SIS II presumably due to number plate recognition
More than half of all searches in the Schengen Information System now take place without human intervention. A striking increase has been observed since 2018. Many Schengen members have introduced number plate recognition during this time. Automatic queries in the…
EU PNR Directive: Germany stored and processed 63 million passengers
Four years ago, the German parliament passed a Passenger Data Act, and since then, more and more travellers have been dragnetted. Federal police and customs take over “follow-up measures”. German police authorities processed around 212 million passenger data last year.…
Passenger data at German police: Many “matches” but far fewer “hits”
According to an EU directive, air passengers must accept that their data is collected, screened with police databases and then stored. For the first time, the German Federal Ministry of the Interior writes which individual alerts lead to police measures…