Security Architectures in the EU

Police violence goes viral: After “pain grips” in Berlin, criticism fills the internet

2 responses to “Police violence goes viral: After “pain grips” in Berlin, criticism fills the internet”

  1. Kai Brown Avatar
    Kai Brown

    It’s not police violence, it’s police doing their job. Protestors need to grow up and stop resisting a technique that I and others learned in school, not to resist… the fact these are fully grown adults with less common sense than we had as children, is disturbing. Stop defending them.

    1. Steve Smith Avatar
      Steve Smith

      Sure, this is police doing their “job”, in a violent fashion. You’re a moron if you don’t think this is unnecessary use of force. Do you understand the point of protesting? It is to resist the establishment and call it out when it does wrong. The police were in no amount of danger at all and therefore had no reason to be using such techniques during this sit-in blockade. I understand the use of force when people are in danger of harm, but this isn’t that. Stop defending the elites that use the police as their puppets to secure their interests, though I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re not of the working class. That would then make your response seems “logical.”

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